Field Devices
Distech Controls provides an extensive range of field devices to complement the building automation offering – for a complete, cost effective solution, from design to installation.
Contact your Field Device Team
Ayman Shihab |
Yves Garnier |
Pierre Thomas |

AV – Air Velocity

Air velocity sensors output the actual speed of airflow to the building automation system. This allows the BAS to monitor and control the amount of air flowing through the ventilation system.

DA – Dampers & Actuators

Dampers are the control points for regulating the flow of air in a ventilation system. Our spring and non-spring return series of actuators can control small terminal unit dampers up to large intake air dampers.

FS – Fluid Sensing

Fluid sensing devices are used to ensure proper flow in piping systems, monitor liquid levels and warn the system of leaks, amongst other functions.

GR – Guest Room

Hotel room control panels offer enhanced guest comfort and energy savings, easy access to hotel and room services for added convenience and enhanced operational efficiency.

GS – Gas Sensing

Gas sensing devices are vital to the wellbeing of building occupants. Our portfolio of gas sensors can detect carbon dioxide (CO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOC).

HS – Humidity Sensing

Humidity sensing devices help maintain a comfortable environment for building occupants and safe conditions for equipment where moisture can cause damage.

NC – Network Connectivity

Network connectivity devices maintain proper communication between controllers in a BAS. Our product range consists of adapters, routers, repeaters, switches and devices for connecting BACnet networks.

PS – Pressure Sensing

Maintaining correct pressure in a control system is extremely important for proper system function, equipment protection and can be critical in clean room applications. Our range can measure air, liquid, static and differential pressures within all common ranges and units.

RE – Relays

Relays are a standard component in all control systems. We have a complete line of pilot, power, and specialty relays in a variety of form factors.

SC – Signal Converters

Signal converters help to connect various kinds of equipment to a control system. Many simple devices serve to alter analog, floating, resistance, pulse, pneumatic and other control signals.

TS – Temperature Sensing

Temperature sensors are fundamental to any BAS where occupant comfort is paramount. Our range is used for air, liquid and solid surfaces and are available with a variety of temperature sensor types, enclosures and form factors.

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catalogue to learn more about
our complete product offering.