Neuigkeiten und Veranstaltungen


Ihre Quelle für aktuelle und vergangene Neuigkeiten zu Distech Controls' Unternehmens- Updates, technischer Expertise, Produkte, Awards, Dienstleistungen, Veranstaltungen und mehr.

Distech Controls’ Partner Atrius Celebrates Industry Awards Success

April 23, 2024

Distech Controls Building Management System serves up a treat at Indian restaurant in Leicester

March 1, 2024

Distech Controls Committed to Growth in Australia and New Zealand

February 13, 2024

Distech Controls to Focus on Sustainability at Specifi UK

February 8, 2024

Distech Controls Expands UK Operations Following Impressive Growth

December 20, 2023

Distech Controls Releases New Open Systems Whitepaper

August 9, 2023

KE2 Therm Solutions Wins ACHR News’ Dealer Design Award

July 24, 2023

Acuity Brands Completes Acquisition of KE2 Therm

May 15, 2023

New Technical Support and Training Engineer at Distech Controls

April 3, 2023

Make Intelligent Decisions with Distech Controls’ ECLYPSE APEX Controller

March 23, 2023

Distech Controls expands its Lyon site in keeping with its responsible approach

February 22, 2023

Distech Controls Expands ECLYPSE Smart Room Control Offering with sunblind control 

February 7, 2023

Distech Controls and eco-i are the perfect blend for innocent

January 19, 2023

Distech Controls and Automation Strategy & Performance Launch Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program

December 13, 2022

Distech Controls provides equipment for the Refuge du Goûter

December 9, 2022

Ali Farooqi Joins Distech Controls

November 29, 2022

Distech Controls achieves ISO 14001certification in Europe

September 29, 2022

Distech Controls Smart Buildings Show

October 4, 2022

Distech Controls adds new feature to its Builder Software

September 19, 2022

Take control of the guest experience

June 1, 2022

Distech Controls’ expanded Digital Partner Program encourages collaboration across Europe

October 12, 2022

Distech Controls integrates Enless Wireless LoRa™ sensors into ECLYPSE controllers

March 7, 2022

Distech Controls Announces Updates to Global Leadership Team

February 7, 2022

White papers

Below you will find all our white papers available for download.

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Distech Kontrollen und Büroräume

Wir freuen uns, die Flex Space Folge von Office Spaces zu teilen, die auf Lifetime Fernsehen (Kanada) ausgestrahlt wurde! Die Folge zeigt den ECLYPSE Connected System Controller, EC-Smart-Vue, ENVYSION und vieles mehr. Verpassen Sie zudem nicht das Interview mit unserem Vice President für Produkte und Marketing, Trevor Palmer!


Unsere Awards

Distech Controls‘ Produkte und Lösungen, die weithin für ihre Qualität und Innovationskraft bekannt sind, haben bereits zahlreiche internationale Auszeichnungen erhalten. Aufgrund der Exzellenz und des Engagements im Umweltschutz, wurde das Unternehmen schon bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten geehrt.

ER & DCR Awards

2024 Winner - Building/Lighting Control Product of the Year category with Resense Move

BCIA Finalist
BCIA Awards

2023 Finalist - Technical Innovation of the Year with Resense Move
2022 Finalist - Technical Innovation of the Year with ECLYPSE APEX
2018 Finalist - Contribution to training award with our CPD course "Building Automation Embraces the IoT"
2017 Finalist - Technical Innovation of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected Terminal Unit Controller
2016 Finalist - Technical Innovation of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller

AHR Expo Innovation Awards

2020 - Finalist - Software category - Builder

Consulting Specifying Engineer Product of the Year

2024 - Silver Award - ECLYPSE APEX
2020 - Finalist - UNIWAVE Series
2019 - Gold Award - Allure UNITOUCH
2015 - Most Valuable Product - ECLYPSE

Money-Saving Product by BUILDINGS Magazine

2020 - UNIWAVE Series
2019 - ECLYPSE™ Sky Ecosystem
2015 - ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller
2014 - Smart Room Control Solution

Product-Innovations 2020
Product Innovations award from BUILDINGS and interiors+sources

2020 - UNIWAVE Series


CSA2018 Finalist Badge
CSA Awards

2018 Finalist - Product Innovation of the Year with HORYZON-C
2017 Finalist - Technical Innovation of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected Terminal Unit Controller
2016 Finalist - Technical Innovation of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller
CIBSE Building Performance Awards

2017 Finalist - Innovation of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller

ENERGYEVENT16 logo_finalist
The Energy Awards

2016 Finalist – Technical Innovation ot the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller

HVR Awards

2017 Finalist - Commercial Heating Product of the Year and Commercial Air Conditioning Product of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected Terminal Unit Controller
2016 Finalist – Sustainable Product of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller
2015 Winner - Sustainable Product of the Year with the Smart Room Control solution

Canada Awards for Excellence

2016 - Gold Award Recipient in the Quality and Project category

H&V News Awards

2018 Finalist - Commercial HVAC Product of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected Terminal Unit Controller
2017 Finalist - Commercial HVAC Product of the Year with ECLYPSE™ Connected Terminal Unit Controller

AHR Expo Innovation Honorable Mention

2016 – Allure EC-Smart-Comfort
2015 - ECLYPSE™ Connected System Controller
2014 - Programmable VAV Controllers with the Smart Room Control solution
2010 - ECB-VAV BACnet controller with “Open-to-Wireless” plug-and-play module
2009 - Wireless battery-less solution coupled with our DDC controllers, Green Building Category
2006 - VAV controller with wireless receiver

''Grands Prix québécois de la qualité'' (GPQQ)

2015 - Grand prize laureate, SME Independent Manufacturer

Dealer Design Awards

2016 - Silver Award Winner, Commercial Controls category
2015 - Bronze Award Winner, Commercial Controls category

National Banks SME Awards

2015-Provincial Laureate, SME Exporter category
2014-Bronze Laureate, SME Exporter category

Canada's Best Managed Companies



2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

The Fox Hound Award, BACnet International Leaders of the Pack Awards


Excellence in Design Award – Commercial category

2014 – Distech Controls Global Headquarters, Reader’s Choice and 2nd Runner Up

2015, 2014
Canada’s Top Small & Medium Employers

Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

2010 - Etienne Veilleux (Founder, Distech Controls)
Award recipient of Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year®

2010 Quebec in Cleantech Category. Distech Controls’ President & CEO also received a special citation at the National Awards Ceremony in Toronto.

2008 - Etienne Veilleux (Founder, Distech Controls)
Finalist for the province of Quebec.

Deloitte North America Technology Fast 500™

2013, 2009, 2008, 2007

Deloitte Technology Fast 50™

2013, 2008, 2007

Green 15
Deloitte Technology Green 15™

2009, 2008, 2007

Frost and Sullivan North American Building Automation Systems Growth Excellence of the Year Award